Welcome to
a New Age™

Science-backed tools to improve healthspan and longevity. Start your journey to healthier aging.

Featured in

Tally Health Wins FastCo’s Next Big Things in Tech 2024

What Is My Biological Age? I Took These Tests to Find Out

Does Tally Health Have The Pill To Reverse Aging And Live Longer?

What If Living Longer Could Also Mean Living Better?

Is reverse aging already possible? Drugs that could treat aging might already be on the pharmacy shelves

This Startup Claims It Can Tell You How Well You’re Aging

How Old Are You, Really? New Tests Want to Tell You

How old are YOU really? AI-powered tests reveal your biological age with a simple cheek swab - and tell you how to slow it down

Take control
of your aging

Regular TallyAge™ testing, personalized insights and recommendations, and unique daily longevity supplements to help you reach your wellness goals over the next year

  • Discover

    Start with an at-home test

    As soon as you’ve signed up, we’ll send your first at-home TallyAge™ Test so we can calculate how well you’re aging and where to start your journey.

  • Prioritize

    Get an actionable plan

    We'll use your TallyAge™ Test results to give accurate insights into your body's age and personalized recommendations to help you improve.

  • Implement

    Build healthy habits

    Start making lifestyle changes guided by our digital platform, and get a boost from our unique, science-backed Vitality supplement.

  • Re-evaluate

    Stay on track

    Re-test every six months to measure progress, refine your action plan, and thrive on.



Your pro-longevity stack is here

Slow aging, boost your performance at a cellular level, and protect against all 12 hallmarks of aging – all before your morning coffee.

Learn more

Imagine a future. Where we think less about aging, and more about living.

Our genes
determine less than 10% of how we age.
Over 90% is
due to lifestyle and environment

[Source: Ruby et al., 2018]

Age is just a number. And it's a number you can change.

Welcome to
a New Age™

Tally Health

Live better, longer

Become a member

The science

Science is in our DNA

Leveraging cutting-edge technology and decades of longevity research, Tally paves the way for a new—and better—way to age.

Learn more

Become a

Become a Tally member today to discover your TallyAge™ and get science-backed tools to unlock years of health and vitality.